Vincent Castronovo Jr.

Vincent Castronovo Jr. was born on April 8, 1997. He is 14 years old, and is in the 8th grade going to 9th. He is the oldest of the Boyz. He wears a size 10 shoe, his favorite color is Royal Blue. He is 5'3, His favorite candy is Starburst, He loves Wendy's, Rootbeer is his favorite drink. He is single at the moment(; He has been bullied for wanting to dance, but he still followed his dream. He wants to become a choreographer when he grows up. His favorite Holiday is Christmas.

Nick 'Nicholicious' Mara

Nick Mara was born on Novemeber 8, 1997 . He is 13 years old. He's catholic, and he has a lucky charm, his favorite color is red, he is 4'11. He lives 4 houses down from Thomas 'T-Money' Miceli. Nick is in the 8th grade going to 9th. He is the second oldest of the ICONic Boyz(:

Madison 'Mad Boy' Alamia

Madison Alamia was born on April 12, 1998. He is in the 7th grade going to the 8th. He is the 3rd oldest of the boyz. He has the deepest voice of them and he is the tallest! His middle name is Naomy(; He has kissed a girl before, and he is currently single at the moment!(:

Mikey 'SpikeyMikey' Fusco

Mikey was born on February 26, 1999. He is 12 years old and in the 6th grade, going into 7th. He has manly abs!(: He has clear braces. And yeahh(;

Jason 'No Bonez' Smith

Jason was born on November 30, 1999. He is 11 years old and is in the 5th grade. He says he will date a fan if he gets to know her first!(: He has been dancing since he was 1. He has a twin sister named Sarah. He is known to be the smartest of the boyz(: And He is SINGLE(:

Thomas 'T-Money' Miceli

Thomas was born on April 15, 2000. He is 11 years old and in the 5th grade. He has a baby sister, and he wants her to grow up and dance like him. He is single. He looks for Personality, Eyes, and a Nose in a girl(:

Louis 'Da Pitbull' DiPippa

Louis was born on June 3, 2000. He is 11 years old and is the youngest in the crew. He has an older sister, and he's looking for a High School sweetheart. He tells Chachi from the crew IaMmE that she is beautiful everyday. He is single at the moment(: